Sunday, January 29, 2012

Facebook, et al.

I didn't jump on the Facebook bandwagon until a few years after it started.  And in fact I've only been on there a little over two years, but I got hooked, really enjoyed posting pictures, seeing what friends were up to, and family as well.   I've even been lucky enough to connect with a few people who I had lost touch with, which is great.   However, I've had to back way away from Facebook lately.  Why do they keep re-inventing the freakin' concept.   If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  Every time they re-engineer Facebook, we get faced with all kinds of  'new security risks'.   I won't click on links to Youtube, who knows what kind of security risks are coming in, we keep getting warned about malware, trojans, and other threats to our computers.   And always after the PTB have 'improved' our Facebook experience.     So, I took all my information off of Facebook, the only thing you'll find on there from me is a very old photo, and possibly every so often a picture I want to share with my friends.  As to all the pictures, I'll be posting them here on my other blog. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Rants and ravings...

I hate having to think of a catchy title for posts, but thought I would start this blog off right.   This is going to be my place to rant, rave, stamp my feet, and vent.   How about that?  And if you give a flying fluglehoffer about that, then more power to you.   I really try not to swear, and I don't always succeed, but I do try to at least use some more colorful language than 'swear words', such as 'blue blinking bananas''. 

My rant of the day, and it's probably one that a lot of people have:

Why do people feel the need to pass you on the road when you're driving a mile or two above the speed limit and then promptly slow down as soon as they've passed?  I mean, what is going through their brain?  Can't they look at their speedometer and see that you are traveling at the posted rate, and if they just stay there they'll be driving at the posted rate as well?   What is in their brains that they just can't stand to be behind someone?